Friday, August 9, 2024

Our lives are designed before birth

I asked my guides questions about choices we make while still in spirit. About the life we want to have in the physical.
It is true that we choose our life before we are born. We see everything that will happen, even choosing the time when are physical bodies will die and when we will return to spirit. We made an agreement with the Creator that we would forget all we designed for ourselves so that we can live without knowing what would happen.
We choose our family and also those who will help us learn lessons that we need for growth. Major events are set in stone and will occur, but smaller events and issues can change depending on what we do.
Illnesses occur when our emotions are out of balance. If we correct those issues, we will heal, unless it is our time to return to spirit.
We would never consciously choose to be murdered, but if there is karma from another life, it may happen to balance that karma so we will be cleansed for the next life. There are no coincidences in life, everything happens for a reason which is usually our growth. Everything we planned in this life is for the experience of living in the physical.

- JON RUFFS, Facebook 2024


Image by Dorothe from Pixabay

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