What are all of the powers and abilities of a succubus?
The demons of the Succubus rank are the lowest rank of demons and is the youngest, dumbest and most common demon to possess a human being. Like with all demons that possess you must invite it onto you either directly or indirectly. The abilities of a demon of the Succubus are only two-fold given its low rank.
Removal of life force
The goal of a possessing Succubus is to drain the life force from the being they are possessing. Over time the host health will start to fail and feel weak, needing to spend long periods of time in bed resting.
When given permission by the host the demon will climb onto the male genitalia and stimulate it to the point of orgasm and then climb off the genitalia and ingest the semen. This is all done while the host watches. After only a few hours, when the demon is not on the host as it must remain off the host when he is asleep, the Succubus will give birth. One mating can spawn up to 25 offspring of the Succubus rank. The offspring are then sent away to the lair the Succubus came from and the Succubus then finishes the possession and if given permission again, can do a second, third or even fourth mating to create more demons.
The Succubus demons when they are young are not very bright in that they think they have more power than they actually do. When a lair is attacked by astral fragments the Succubus demons will go down to try and defend the lair but will quickly get overwhelmed and killed by the astral fragments which is why they are told to remain in the lair, but they do not care. Succubus demons also think human beings can understand them and are known to appear to the host and try to communicate with it making animal noises a human cannot understand, but the demon doesnt know that. Also, getting a Succubus to end the possession is also easy, the host must reframe from all sexual contact for 72 hours and then the Succubus is forced to end the possession and leave.
We are at our most psychic as we are falling asleep -- the brain produces more theta waves and legit psychics always produce more theta waves than the average person.
How to Protect Yourself
Protect yourself energetically with the name of Jesus Christ, simple salt and water in a spray bottle, and always shower before bed. Wash your bedding at least once a month if not more. We also discharge negative/heavy energy from our bodies when we sleep, so if you experience more disturbances at night during sleeping hours, it's just heavy energy beings coming to a "food source". If you are a good person, your energy is a delicacy to these annoying, but part of nature beings.
Burn Nag Champa incense and air out your room and house regularly, as well as meditate and envision yourself protected by a bubble of white high vibrational light, especially before sleeping. Tell all energy/spirit that is not in accordance with love/light to leave, go back to its source, stay there forever, and never bother you again in the name of Jesus Christ (say this out loud, especially in a moment of apparition or attack). He is a protector against low-vibe energy. Make a mixture of salt water and a few drops of a purifying essential oil. Keep it in a spray bottle and spritz yourself and bed before sleep. Salt water neutralizes negative energy. If necessary, play scriptures and hang crosses in your house. You can also try playing high vibe classical music or anything that has nice words (poetry, Shakespeare, that isnt violent or dark, has nice intentions or affirmations).
Look for a deliverance prayer. Insert your name into it, the names of your family, pets, etc. Speak it aloud morning and night for three days, on the last day cleanse your home and yourself as described above.
Source - Quora, Facebook
Image - Deviantart.com/telthona