Saturday, January 4, 2025

Attacked by a Succubus

What are all of the powers and abilities of a succubus?

The demons of the Succubus rank are the lowest rank of demons and is the youngest, dumbest and most common demon to possess a human being. Like with all demons that possess you must invite it onto you either directly or indirectly. The abilities of a demon of the Succubus are only two-fold given its low rank.

Removal of life force

The goal of a possessing Succubus is to drain the life force from the being they are possessing. Over time the host health will start to fail and feel weak, needing to spend long periods of time in bed resting.


When given permission by the host the demon will climb onto the male genitalia and stimulate it to the point of orgasm and then climb off the genitalia and ingest the semen. This is all done while the host watches. After only a few hours, when the demon is not on the host as it must remain off the host when he is asleep, the Succubus will give birth. One mating can spawn up to 25 offspring of the Succubus rank. The offspring are then sent away to the lair the Succubus came from and the Succubus then finishes the possession and if given permission again, can do a second, third or even fourth mating to create more demons.

The Succubus demons when they are young are not very bright in that they think they have more power than they actually do. When a lair is attacked by astral fragments the Succubus demons will go down to try and defend the lair but will quickly get overwhelmed and killed by the astral fragments which is why they are told to remain in the lair, but they do not care. Succubus demons also think human beings can understand them and are known to appear to the host and try to communicate with it making animal noises a human cannot understand, but the demon doesnt know that. Also, getting a Succubus to end the possession is also easy, the host must reframe from all sexual contact for 72 hours and then the Succubus is forced to end the possession and leave.

We are at our most psychic as we are falling asleep -- the brain produces more theta waves and legit psychics always produce more theta waves than the average person.

How to Protect Yourself

Protect yourself energetically with the name of Jesus Christ, simple salt and water in a spray bottle, and always shower before bed. Wash your bedding at least once a month if not more. We also discharge negative/heavy energy from our bodies when we sleep, so if you experience more disturbances at night during sleeping hours, it's just heavy energy beings coming to a "food source". If you are a good person, your energy is a delicacy to these annoying, but part of nature beings.

Burn Nag Champa incense and air out your room and house regularly, as well as meditate and envision yourself protected by a bubble of white high vibrational light, especially before sleeping. Tell all energy/spirit that is not in accordance with love/light to leave, go back to its source, stay there forever, and never bother you again in the name of Jesus Christ (say this out loud, especially in a moment of apparition or attack). He is a protector against low-vibe energy. Make a mixture of salt water and a few drops of a purifying essential oil. Keep it in a spray bottle and spritz yourself and bed before sleep. Salt water neutralizes negative energy. If necessary, play scriptures and hang crosses in your house. You can also try playing high vibe classical music or anything that has nice words (poetry, Shakespeare, that isnt violent or dark, has nice intentions or affirmations).

Look for a deliverance prayer. Insert your name into it, the names of your family, pets, etc. Speak it aloud morning and night for three days, on the last day cleanse your home and yourself as described above.

Source - Quora, Facebook
Image -

Friday, October 25, 2024


The very first Ouija boards were made from the wood of coffins. A coffin nail in the center of the planchette window served as the pointer. Never play alone!
  1. Sometimes an evil spirit can permanently "inhabit" a board. When this happens, no other spirits will be able to use it.
  2. When using a glass as a message indicator, you must always cleanse it first by holding it over a burning candle.
  3. Ouija boards that are disposed of improperly, come back to haunt the owner.
  4. A Ouija Board will scream if you try to burn it. People who hear the scream have less than thirty-six hours to live. There is only one proper way to dispose of it: break the board into seven pieces, sprinkle it with Holy Water then bury it.
  5. If you must use a Ouija board, make your own. Arrange the letters and numbers, into a circle so whatever is trapped within that circle can't escape.
  6. If you place a pure silver coin on the board, no evil spirits will be able to come through.
  7. Never let the spirits count down through the numbers or go through the alphabet as they can get out of the board this way.
  8. If the planchette goes to the four corners of the board it means that you have contacted an evil spirit.
  9. If the planchette falls from a Ouija board, a spirit will get loose.
  10. If the planchette repeatedly makes a figure eight, it means that an evil spirit is in control of the board.
  11. If you should get an evil spirit, quickly turn the planchette upside down and use it that way.
  12. The board must be "closed" properly or evil spirits will remain behind to haunt the operator.
  13. Never use the Ouija when you are ill or in a weakened condition since this may make you vulnerable to possession.
  14. The spirit of the Ouija board creates "wins" for the user, causing him to become more and more dependent on the board. Addiction follows. This is called "progressive entrapment."
  15. Evil spirits contacted through the Ouija board will try to win your confidence with false flattery and lies.
  16. Always be respectful and never upset the spirits.
  17. Never use the Ouija in a graveyard or place where a terrible death has occurred or you will bring forth malevolent entities.
  18. Witchboards are so named because witches use them to summon demons.
  19. NEVER leave the planchette on the board if you aren't using it.
  20. Lecherous spirits from the Ouija board will sometimes ask young women to do rather . . . ah, odd things. Ignore them and always remember that your Ouija partner (i.e. boyfriend) has nothing to do with this.
  21. Three things never to ask a Ouija board:
  • Never ask about God.
  • Never ask when you are going to die.
  • Never ask where the gold is buried

Source: B. Passarello, Facebook
Image by Amy_Gillard from Pixabay

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Be Kind to Animals

I once had a miscarriage and I was in extreme pain. I was taken to the emergency hospital, and I was lying down on the bed waiting for doctors. The pain was unbearable, and I passed out or died. I suddenly woke up in a street which wasn’t like this world. The city was made with white crystal and glass. Tall buildings, but not as tall as we have in our cities. Their buildings were very small or shorter compared to their size. People were walking around; talking giants. I was under their feet. I could hardly reach their ankles as they were that tall. I don’t see much of movies, so I don’t know if there are movies that depict this already, but in my death experience, this was the scene. The length of their ankles was about 5 foot 4 inches because that’s my height. I was thirsty and hungry. I was so weak that I wasn’t able to walk or stand properly. It was boiling hot, and I was feeling extremely thirsty. I was trying to ask these people for help, but my small hands and small height couldn’t touch them. It was so hot, and I almost felt burning. I kept touching these peoples feet, asking them for help, and they kept moving me with their feet and not bothered about my presence. I swear these giants looked like humans but very tall and wearing crystal-like outfits. I took shelter under a tree, which was nothing like trees on Earth, but the heat was extremely that I was getting cooked, and my tongue started hanging out. I needed water. I kept searching in the streets, but crystal streets were as clean as our mirrors. I felt dying, and I sat under the tree crying and screaming, thinking these people, or anyone else, would come and help, nothing, and I died, but I woke up in the emergency room. My cousin was shouting, "Oh, she has regained her consciousness." I asked him how long I was unconscious. He replied, "For about 10 minutes."

I was not in pain now, but when I was brought to hospital, I was in a lot of pain, and I was unconscious during that moment when I saw all the above. I was on the bed waiting for doctors to be seen, and I was now more terrified about what I saw than the pain I was going through.

This settled, and I came back the same day from the hospital. I didn’t tell my experience to anyone, as I thought people would say I had gone to hell because I must have been a sinner, so I didn’t tell anyone. I kept thinking about it a lot. Then, one day, I experienced this whole thing again. This time, I was not unconscious. This time, I was walking in my streets with other people. It was burning hot, and this time, I was the tall one, with others walking around. I was one of the giants, and those small creatures were kicked and ignored. They were begging for help. They were looking at us with painful eyes. They came under my feet, touched me, and I moved them away, others kicked them. It was burning hot but not as hot as I experienced in my dream or death. I saw a dog walking towards me, tongue hanging out. I looked around the street. It was full of dogs (India). They were thirsty as our streets were dry, and no drainage water was available for these street dogs or for other animals. I stopped and thought about my dream, and now I was seeing small creatures in my streets, and I was ignoring them.

So I quickly bought a tub and filled it with drinking water for the street dogs. I left some water on top of my house roof. Since then, my life has changed. Since then I help street animals, ferals, stray cats, dogs, and other animals, as much as I could. I believed that God showed me that if I don’t help them in this world I will be put in their place in the other world, or whatever, but these animal you see in streets are in the same situation I was in my dream. So, are these animals test for our humanity? for our conscious? Maybe they are from another dimension, and they are in a coma, or in a long sleep, or being punished, but trust me, God would not be cruel and leave these animals to suffer. They are a test for our humanity.

- Bily Ahmad

Friday, September 20, 2024

Predictions from Jesus

In 2024, the world banking system on the verge of collapse does away with all paper currency, leading to everyone being transferred over to cryptocurrencies. These currencies can be tracked and cut off at will.

The United States will implement a social credit system, where people are graded based on education, criminal record, political affiliation, and other things.

Everything fully turns around in 2028, when in a surprise to no one, Donald Trump is elected president for a second term and does away with the world banking system, and brings back paper money for citizens of the United States.

I need to point out that I am not from the U.S. so I am not aware of how things in your country work.

In 2061, the United States, not able to overcome their differences decide to split down the middle, and no, no civil war was fought.

These two countries name themselves the United Northern States and the United Southern States of America.

Both are invaded by China in 2063, forcing the two to join Canada and Mexico to survive the onslaught.

From 2028 until 2063 there is a relative time of stability in the world.

With no wars and famine being all but a memory. Then China invades and the world is at war again for seven years.

After the war between China and the newly formed United States of North America and the rest of the world ends, there is a declaration that no more wars will be fought.

This declaration holds until at least 2075, I am unable to see what happens in the world after that time.


Saturday, September 7, 2024

Emotions and Dis-Ease

The underlying cause of most illness is dis-ease of the emotions and the spirit, not a malfunction of the body. It may be a hard concept to understand, but the way you live your life is what determines your health.

The manifestation of illnesses does come from our emotions. All problems stem from emotions and are intertwined with life itself. As stressful situations occur, we often ignore the emotions that come up.

When we do this, they manifest within the body. Emotions suppressed deep into the subconscious mind affect us not only mentally, but physically as well. Anger, fear, mistrust, and the abuse of one's feelings are negative energies.

If we allow them to continue, they are absorbed into our system. This brings about great changes in our body chemistry. They cling, infest and corrupt every cell of the body.

Our emotions, feelings and sensations are an intricate part of our functions. They are a mechanism by which we judge ourselves and how our bodies are working. When feelings are neglected and unexpressed for a long period of time, the body weakens as a result.

The mind also weakens. This is where the soul resides.... the conscious part of you that thinks, understands, and is the main part of the whole. Negative emotions must be released by finding their underlying cause, so you can be healed.

The more you cling to negative emotions, the more they will take root deeper within, and will not be able to be removed.

Jon Ruffs, 2024

Image by Nanne Tiggelman from Pixabay

Friday, August 23, 2024

Can Demons Hear Your Thoughts?

I would like to dismiss, right now, the myth that demons cannot hear your thoughts.

I had a discussion with a Catholic priest about the matter. He told me that demons cannot hear your thoughts. I assume that this is the church's stance. I don't know where they get that from, but it's not true. Anyone that has been oppressed by demonic spirits knows that they most certainly can.

Not only that, but they will often think for you. Making you think that you are some type of horrible person.

I am to take away a lot of there power right now to anyone that has ears to hear with.

They will convince you that everyone can hear your thoughts, they do this by putting you into a sort of trance, with the help of a few willing and unwilling people it will be very convincing. You won't be able to tell the difference. It will appear as if everyone can hear your thoughts.

You will be able to hear other people's thoughts because they will facilitate it. Keep in mind that they can and will skew those thoughts as well.

Now the next time you go out, they will introduce terrible thoughts in your mind. They will also lead you to believe that everyone is listening.

The idea being to keep you constantly panicking and in fear.

The solution is to realize that it is all an illusion. Tell them that you know it is an illusion. Remind them that Jesus has all authority and has forgiven you for your sins. That they are already defeated, and will never see your Father's house again.

Stress and anxiety are inroads to Demons affecting your thoughts. The first thing that happens is being prescribed anxiety medication. Usually topped up with self medications or alcohol. This concoction will weaken your protective barrier,  allowing negative entities to attach to your aura and infiltrate your perceptions. 

Once this happens your body is in a constant state of confusion and fear. Strange and scary people seem to be following you, wanting to hurt you. You have the ability to hear people's thoughts and can tell by their eyes what they are thinking. You are constantly in a state of self protection and fear. And what is worse, the 'bad people' have the physical ability to do real harm. 

For example, one man panicked and left town at high speed followed by the bad people. He went off road, through farm fences, then, when the vehicle stopped, he ran for his life and hid. From his place of safety he watched the bad people using torches to search for him. Then they set fire to his vehicle. Next day this man hitched a ride into the next town. Too late he realised he was in the vehicle of a bad person. He kept his cool. He asked to stop at a service station. Then he rang the police to come save him. He could see the line of bad people standing across the road watching him. He got clean after two months in a mental health facility. For the first time he felt safe. 

Drugs and alcohol do not fix stress. They  help momentarily but in the long run your mental health will get worse. It is far better to unburden yourself shoulders and hand yourself, and each of your stressful issues, over to Jesus. Then sit back and not worry. Jesus will take care of your problems. Keep a prayer journal and track the burdens you have handed over along with their outcomes. I guarantee, without a journal, you will not even remember what your troubles were, much less how your troubles dissolved. That is the magic that awaits you when you immerse yourself in faith.

Psalm 55:22

Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken. The psalmist David reminds us that we can rely on God to carry our burdens for us. He promises to sustain us and keep us steady in times of worry.

Are you walking in His peace? Or are you weighed down by anxiety, worry and tension?

"Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single cubit to his life's span? And why are you anxious about clothing? Observe how the lilies of the field grow; thy do not toil nor do they spin, yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory did not clothe himself like one of these. But if God so arrays the grass of the field, which is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more do so for you, O men of little faith? Do not be anxious then saying What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'With what shall we clothe ourselves?' For all these things the Gentiles eagerly seek; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not be anxious for tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own" (Matthew 6:26-34)


Image by Ray Shrewsberry • from Pixabay

Source - QUORA

Friday, August 9, 2024

Our lives are designed before birth

I asked my guides questions about choices we make while still in spirit. About the life we want to have in the physical.
It is true that we choose our life before we are born. We see everything that will happen, even choosing the time when are physical bodies will die and when we will return to spirit. We made an agreement with the Creator that we would forget all we designed for ourselves so that we can live without knowing what would happen.
We choose our family and also those who will help us learn lessons that we need for growth. Major events are set in stone and will occur, but smaller events and issues can change depending on what we do.
Illnesses occur when our emotions are out of balance. If we correct those issues, we will heal, unless it is our time to return to spirit.
We would never consciously choose to be murdered, but if there is karma from another life, it may happen to balance that karma so we will be cleansed for the next life. There are no coincidences in life, everything happens for a reason which is usually our growth. Everything we planned in this life is for the experience of living in the physical.

- JON RUFFS, Facebook 2024


Image by Dorothe from Pixabay